Covid-19 prevention measures
@CulinaryON, we have enforced early prevention measures to ensure maximum safety, so that your guests will be as safe as in your own office

Travel ban for all our employees
We have enforced from early days travel ban to all countries affected with Covid19

Room disinfection
We sanitise rooms twice per day to ensure maximum hygiene and safety for our guests

Dedicated rooms
Our corporate and private events are carried out in dedicated studios where your team will not have to share the space with any other guest. In this way you are as safe as in the office

Dish-wear sanitaton
We wash all our dish-ware with professional equipment to ensure state of the art sanitation
Quarantine measure
If an employee has been in any of the countries with Covid-19 outbreak we enforce a 14 days self-quarantine before allowing them back to work

Hand sanitation
All our rooms are equipped with hand-sanitisers and hand-washing sinks. Are guests and employees are asked to wash their hands several times during the event

Suspension of large groups and large meetings
We conduct events with up to 100 guests, as per MIA regulations
Frequently asked questions
Is Culinaryon safer than going to a restaurant?
We believe CulinaryON to be a safer environment than a restaurant for the following reasons: 1) your team will not be asked to share the room with other guests, 2) Rooms are sanitised before your event, 3) we ensure that all guests wash their hands several times during the process (something you can't control in a restaurant setting)

CulinaryOn is as safe as being in your own office as your team will be in a 100% dedicated room.
What if we are not allowed to make events outside the office?
We offer a wide range of events and activities that we can bring to your office (Cooking Class, Cocktail party, Wine Lab, Wine Casino, Painting art-parties, etc). Ask to your relationship manager to advice you on possible activities that we can bring to the safety of your own location
Should I freeze all events during Covid-19 outbreak?
We believe that once strict preventive measures are in place (as we did for our facility), then life should go on as usual for the benefit of the entire community. Events, team building activities are an important part of employee motivation and become even more important in times of crisis.