Beer Tasting Night
Whether you are at home, your office, or any other location we are ready to deliver you a unique and engaging experience. You don't have to do anything except having fun!

We can't wait to see you on September 9 at 16:30 Bucharest time.
Event flow:
Join the online meeting room
At the agreed time of the event please use the access link that can be found at the bottom, to join the meeting. Please make sure your camera and microphone are working properly.

*We recommend you using a laptop or a desktop for this part, because the phone we will use later on.
Get ready! We will start soon
Before we start please take the beers out of the fridge and have your glass ready and take also the snacks prepared by CulinaryON

Don't forget to refrigerate the beers and Ham
Our Event Master will introduce you into the CulinaryOn's world while the Beer Specialist will share with you his secrets about Romanian Craft Beer Industry
Let's start tasting! Positive attitude is key here
Our Beer Specialist will guide you through the steps of proper of beer tasting. Also he will share interesting and useful details about:
  • The history of Romanian Craft Beer
  • Description for every beer style and the story behind each brewery
  • Food pairing suggestion for each beer type
You will become your own private beer specialist for the night!

After that we will take a 10 min break for you to enjoy the beer and have a talk, but don't go anywhere.. we still got something for you!
Guess the Melody Challenge!
For the end, we prepared for you a super cool and engaging activity, where basically you have to guess different songs that we will play for you. We will play 1 round, with 4 different categories and 20 songs per round.

Don't worry, our Event Masters will make sure you get all the instructions during the event!

* Be aware that for this game to go smoothly we strongly recommend you to use 2 devices:
- One device for the meeting (laptop/tablet/desktop)
- The second device should be a phone or a tablet. You will use this to scan a QR code that will open the game website, which will allow you to press a button when you know the melody.

We will taste together 3 different craft beers

Provided by CulinaryOn:

  • 3 fresh Craft Beers (please refrigerate before the event)
  • One beer card and one taste card for each beer
  • Grissini, Parma Ham & Nuts

Meet the Specialist

Bogdan Mugescu
CulinaryOn's Beer Specialist
Bogdan is a beer specialist & a craft beer enthusiast, contributing to the Romanian craft beer industry since 2016. With more than 2.000 different beers tested so far, he is the right specialist for your best beer tasting.